A new job placement model

To make job placement more effective, the model that has always been in use in the cooperative has been refined. The process of innovation aims to improve care and attention toward both disadvantaged workers approaching the world of employment and the guidance workers who work alongside them.

For the disadvantaged worker:
More gradual job placement, working alongside the guidance worker in the project and a small team of guidance workers, who thus become constant references;

For guidance workers:
More opportunities for discussion and monitoring, diminishing the risks involved in the job placement process;

The new system for organisation and management of job placement in all business sectors has a specific functional organisation chart, as follows:

Project representative guidance worker
works alongside the disadvantaged worker during the first two weeks of job placement, providing key information to the guidance workers who will be assisting them in the job placement process;

Project representative guidance worker
works alongside the disadvantaged worker during the first two weeks of job placement, providing key information to the guidance workers who will be assisting them in the job placement process;

Guidance workers
Workers with good technical and professional skills and specific training in the educational relationship. They oversee the disadvantaged worker during the first few months of job placement, periodically comparing notes with the project representative guidance worker to analyse the strong and weak points of the job placement;

Contact person/Operator for territorial social and medical services
Local services propose the start of a process for the disadvantaged persons served, monitoring them through an outreach worker and/or social worker. The local services involved are normally: Addictions Services; Mental Health Department; Parenting and Childhood Services; Adults’ Social Services, Personal Services;

Project team
The project team includes the person in charge of the job placement process in the social cooperative, technicians from the local services who referred the individual, and the group of guidance workers identified, including the project representative guidance worker. The team’s principal tasks are assessing the person’s relational, cognitive and work skills; preparation of the job placement project; and monitoring and accompaniment in the individual job placement process;

The job placement project consists of consequential, organic implementation of the following activities:

Rehabilitation of social and employment skills with instructional apprenticeships for the disadvantaged and for particularly .
fragile and vulnerable persons*.

Stabilisation of employment for these persons, through contracts of employment stipulated under collective agreements in a variety of sectors.

The job placement project consists of consequential, organic implementation of the following activities:

under art.4 of Law381/91, under regional law no. 14 of 30 July 2015:

  • persons with physical, psychological and sensorial disabilities
  • former inmates of psychiatric institutes
  • psychiatric patients
  • persons with drug addictions
  • persons with alcohol addictions
  • underaged workers from disadvantaged families
  • convicts admitted to alternative sentencing
  • persons affected by difficulties locating employment and social or medical problems.